PRCBC is able to assist a limited number of young persons, who are destitute or are from low income households, with their complex citizenship matters, from initial application to high court challenges.
This work may be done on a pro bono basis (for free) and is partly supported by grants and qualified solicitors volunteering with us or may be done under the legal aid scheme.
We are also able to provide a limited private service to local authorities on a fixed fee basis or if in scope, it may be carried out under the legal aid scheme.

Advice Line
Our one-off Advice Line service for young people on low income or destitute.
Our Advice line is by appointment only.
Please email and provide us with initial information of advice and assistance required. If we can assist, we will email our referral form.

Advice Line – lawyers and keyworkers
Our one-off Advice Line service and support for lawyers and keyworkers on an ad hoc basis.
Please email and provide us with detailed of initial information of advice and assistance required.

Casework – young people
Our pro bono casework service for young people on low income or destitute.
These are normally on the first Saturday of the month and the session is run by qualified volunteers. We will seek to accommodate young people’s specific needs, by a combination of post, phone, Zoom etc.
Please e-mail and provide us with initial information of advice and assistance required. If we can assist, we will e-mail our referral form.

Casework – local authorities
Our legal aid and private casework service for local authorities
We provide legal aid and private advice casework and representation to local authorities. Where this is private, we provide this service at a subsidised fixed fee rate.
Please e-mail and provide us with initial information of advice and assistance required. If we can assist, we will e-mail our referral form.